Arts for and by the community
Port Adelaide Artists Forum is a community based organisation that fosters the growth of the arts in and around the LeFevre peninsula region. PAAF celebrated its 15th anniversary in 2021. Over that time PAAF has presented well over 20 exhibitions, numerous cultural events including performances inside giant inflatables, cabaret, an art market, creative workshops, lantern performance on the river and many opportunities for community to happily come together over a shared meal with live music and a wonderful view of our inner harbour.
PAAF members come not only from The Port and LeFevre Peninsula but include artists from afar, such as Robe in the South East, Port Augusta to the North, Barossa Valley, Second Valley, The Hills and anywhere in between. Many of these artists tell PAAF their district doesn't have an organisation let alone community gallery such as PAAF and Gallery Yampu.
Membership to PAAF is free. PAAF is run by volunteers. There are regular meetings with guest speakers. Fundraising and small commission on art sales and the occasional grant keep PAAF afloat. PAAF as victims of progress have had to vacate Gallery Yampu and now operate out of makeshift premises in the Packing Shed of Harts Mill, Mundy Street.